My sweet little sissy :) She’s been my best friend and constant support through every chapter of my life. Even with all 12 moves, no matter where we landed, I always felt at ease knowing she was by my side. Without a doubt, she’s one of the most incredible people I’ve ever known.
Erin Myers - Bridesmaid
Erin is one of my best friends and has become such a special part of my life. She started as my random college roommate freshman year, but we quickly became inseparable. Through every high and low in college, she was always there to catch me when I fell and help lift me back up.
Taylor Arnold - Bridesmaid
I met Taylor through Erin on my first day of college. Though they had been friends for years, they instantly welcomed me into their duo, always making me feel included and at home. She’s one of the funniest, most genuine, and kind-hearted people I’ve ever met, always knowing how to make me laugh or brighten my day. Taylor and I are truly kindred spirits, and I can’t imagine my life without her laughter, support, and friendship.
Madison Eifert - Bridesmaid
Madison is my high school best friend and someone I will always hold close to my heart. She’s filled my life with so much joy, countless laughs, and unforgettable memories, showing me a level of love I never knew was possible from a friend. She’s seen me through it all, and I can’t imagine who I’d be without her.
Amanda Harris - Bridesmaid
Words can’t fully express how grateful I am for Amanda. We met in choir during my freshman year at Liberty, and since then, she has guided me through countless challenges. I deeply admire her wisdom, grace, and humility and how she radiates kindness and positivity. She has taught me invaluable lessons about obedience to the Lord, submitting to Him, and what it truly means to walk as a follower of Christ. I cherish our friendship more than words can express.
Kayla Suter - Bridesmaid
Kayla is one of my closest friends from the School of Music at Liberty and a key reason I became friends with the other girls who made up our group of four. We first connected in musicianship class, where we became partners and often goofed off together. When I heard her mention needing a place to live, I QUICKLY invited her to move in with me and my roommates. Since then, she has been someone who never fails to make me laugh and always brightens my day.
Blythe Condon - Bridesmaid
Blythe, the second member of our group of four, is one of the most loyal friends I could ever ask for. Her sass and wit never fail to make me laugh. We officially met and hung out during a tour with Chamber Singers at Liberty, spending every day together and growing incredibly close. She’s the Samantha to my Charlotte (if you know, you know).
Sarai Burgos - Bridesmaid
And last but certainly not least, there’s Sarai, the final member of our School of Music group of four. We met on the first day of auditions for Chamber Singers, and I remember thinking, 'Man, I really want to be her friend.' We hit it off immediately, and it felt like I had known her forever. Sarai is one of the kindest, smartest, and funniest people you'll ever meet. Her genuine spirit is felt by everyone she encounters, and I’m so glad we became friends.
The Guys
Mason Rucker - Best Man
I met little Mayo when he was first born and ever since then, we have been brothers. Mason has been the best little brother a guy could ask for. We’ve been on every adventure and fought every type of bad guy imaginable. Mason has always been my built-in best friend and has been there for me in more ways than I think he even realizes. He’s one of the goofiest people I know, and I’m honored to call him my brother.
Levi Lowmaster - Groomsman
I’ve known Levi just about my entire life. After moving to Virginia, Levi quickly became one of the best friends I’ve ever had. He is always so happy and will never fail to bring you out of any slump you may be in. He is the best gym bro, motivator, and singer around 😉. I’m honored that he is a part of my life and even more honored that he is a part of this day.
Jeremy "Bud" Rucker II - Groomsman
Jeremy aka Bud aka Jimmy has always been the big brother figure in my life. Growing up I couldn’t wait to see what new thing he had or new trick he had learned. I’ve always looked up to him and all the things he’s accomplished.
Draven Fowler - Groomsman
I met Draven when his wife, Grace, became Maddy’s roommate. As soon as Grace mentioned that Draven was a Deputy, I knew we’d get along. Over time, I realized that Draven and I are practically the same person. He is one of the people I can truly credit for much of my recent success—from helping me find my job and apply to the academy to giving me a place to stay. Draven has supported me in more ways than I can count, and I’m truly honored to have him in my life.
Nate Cahoon - Groomsman
Jesse Wilkerson - Groomsman
I met Jesse on my first day at Leaf Relief, where we worked together. From the very start, we spent the entire day cracking jokes and laughing—and we haven’t stopped since. He quickly became someone I knew I could always count on, someone who would always be there for me. Jesse is one of the humblest and most talented people I’ve ever known. He’s an incredible person through and through, and it’s truly an honor to call him my friend.